Thursday, October 20, 2011

north korea

 North Korea? Never Heard of it.

North Korea, one of the worst places I have ever heard of up to date, as a matter of fact it probably is the worst place up to date. I always knew it existed, but I didn’t know how terrible it was until I read about it. The dictator, Kim Jon Il, worse than Joseph Stalin and Sadam Hussein, well worse in his own way. He rules the country with an iron fist. Kim Jong Il controls the country with fear, anyone who complains about the weeks rations, speaks against the government, or escapes the country, them and there whole family is sentenced to prison for a long period of time, maybe even for the rest of there lives, where they are raped, murdered, starved abused, tortured, experimented on, and interrogated.  North Korea has no outer connection, there are very few flights in, which are only available to certain people. Everything is kept a secret in north Korea, until someone escapes and tells people what goes on inside the country, on top of that they have nuclear weapons, not helpful if they keep everything a secret. North Korea was added by the U.S. on a list of terrorists, they attacked and kidnapped people from South Korea, and once they kidnapped five Japanese tourists in the 1970s and released them in 2008, that is when North Korea was removed off the terrorist list. North Korea was ranked worst in having human rights, it has basically none. Even the human rights here at school would greatly improve this isolated country. One day everything will be better, and Kim Jong Il will be no more.

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