Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the great hunger, also known as the disease caused by poop, because when guano was brought to ireland as a fertilizer, it carried potato blight

Today i read about the potato famine. it was most interesting and similar to somethings that are happening today around the world. the potato famine lasted five years, and it was caused by a disease that came from guano, which was being imported to Ireland, the disease is known as potato blight. now a days that plague is relatively unheard of. it resulted that the poverty killed people, as other food supplies were available but not affordable, so the food was shipped to England. Now a days famine and malnutrition is all over the world, mostly in Asia and Africa. this is because most of these countries are in bad condition and suffer the effects of poverty. the government doesn't give them food, but gives it to other wealthier countries who are willing to buy it, for example places with farmers work, when they harvest it is bought by other countries, leaving nothing for the natives. a famous saying during the potato famine was "the lord, indeed, sent the potato blight, but the English caused the famine". well now a days we don't really intend to starve people, but it happens without us realizing, so try to reduce the food you buy so you don't throw away unimportant food, because some people would die for some.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


In my book, Islands in the Stream by Ernest Hemingway, the perspective is told from a character named Thomas Hudson, an artist who lives in the Bahamas. In the first part of the book he has spent the summer with his three sons diving and fishing. We learn that he is twice divorced and suffers a lot from loneliness when his sons are with their mothers living in France. At the end of the first part of the book, after the summer is over and his sons have gone back to France, he receives a telegram informing that two of them and their mother have been killed in a car accident. This affects his perspective. 

A textual example of the character's perspective is this: "On the eastward crossing on the Île de France Thomas Hudson learned that hell was not necessarily as it was described by Dante or any other of the great hell-describers, but could be a comfortable, pleasant, ship taking you toward a country that you had always sailed for with anticipation." 

Thomas Hudson's perspective is directly revealed in the last chapter of the first part where is is sailing across the Atlantic to France for the funerals of his wife and sons. One example is: "he sat in the deep comfortable chair and drank his drink and learned that you cannot read the "New Yorker" when people that you love had just died." 

An example of how perspective is indirectly revealed comes later: "The sea air was cool and he ate a sandwich and two apples and then took some ice out of the bucket and made himself a drink. The Old Parr was about gone but he had another bottle and now in the cool of the early morning he sat in the comfortable chair and drank and read the New Yorker. He found that he could read it now and he found that he enjoyed drinking in the night. For years he had kept an absolute rule about not drinking in the night."

He never used to drink in the night, but now he is enjoying it, just as now he can read the New Yorker, which he couldn't before he started drinking. This indirectly shows how his perspective has been affected by the deaths of his sons.

Thomas Hudson is alone in his room on the ship. The narration is all his thoughts, so when you read it you are experiencing the same thoughts and sharing his perspective. "You haven't any problem at all he told himself. You've given them up and they're gone. You should not have loved them so damn much in the first place. You shouldn't have loved them and you shouldn't have loved their mother. Listen to the whiskey talking, he said to himself. What a solvent of our problems."

Thursday, October 20, 2011



Fear destroys the lives of people, it manipulates them and turns them on another. I have read about many dictators who oppress and murder there own people. Families gone, no one knows what to believe in anymore. If they turn their backs they’re defenseless, but if one hides their pride they’ll take from one until every thing is gone. If they’re destroyed from within then what is left but to hope for something, and wait for nothing. Fear is ones downfall, you save yourself now or fall into darkness forever. Rebellion is an answer, to rise against the machine to fight one’s fear and take back what’s theirs. If they remain silent, and they bare the question for answer, then they lay still in the darkness like a shadow. They spread among others, only scaring the rest of the population, and the machines power is raised by the sensation. The machine craves power, and fear feeds it. A shotgun can’t defend if the wielder has no spirit. Bravery is hard to find in such countries, and whoever holds it craves the power the machine takes. Only few are so trusted, when their own neighbor could be a traitor, fear rules the mind and one’s salvation is himself. If they lay back they’ll be outdone, but if they fight back they will find a way to escape such oppression. What are they supposed to do, when everyone when everyone is against them? To back down isn’t the answer, and to let you arrogance stand in front will kill you like a cancer. But stand together in the oppression’s weather and make the machine stop. What is to do, when you have destroyed the machine, and the heroes have a taste of power, then your salvation becomes your oppressor, then hope for something and wait for nothing, because one will find that they can’t rely on themselves after abuse, insecurity forms into fear, and ones creation is ended by their own creator.

north korea

 North Korea? Never Heard of it.

North Korea, one of the worst places I have ever heard of up to date, as a matter of fact it probably is the worst place up to date. I always knew it existed, but I didn’t know how terrible it was until I read about it. The dictator, Kim Jon Il, worse than Joseph Stalin and Sadam Hussein, well worse in his own way. He rules the country with an iron fist. Kim Jong Il controls the country with fear, anyone who complains about the weeks rations, speaks against the government, or escapes the country, them and there whole family is sentenced to prison for a long period of time, maybe even for the rest of there lives, where they are raped, murdered, starved abused, tortured, experimented on, and interrogated.  North Korea has no outer connection, there are very few flights in, which are only available to certain people. Everything is kept a secret in north Korea, until someone escapes and tells people what goes on inside the country, on top of that they have nuclear weapons, not helpful if they keep everything a secret. North Korea was added by the U.S. on a list of terrorists, they attacked and kidnapped people from South Korea, and once they kidnapped five Japanese tourists in the 1970s and released them in 2008, that is when North Korea was removed off the terrorist list. North Korea was ranked worst in having human rights, it has basically none. Even the human rights here at school would greatly improve this isolated country. One day everything will be better, and Kim Jong Il will be no more.

they stole

Now I’m not a person who is interested in taxes or the government, but when I read there was a law that involved tax increase, I was stunned. I talked to my dad about it and he was furious. He explained to me what retro active is, it is not good in this situation. My dad explained it to me like this. “ James, imagine the president passed a law that you had to wear your underpants on the outside, and the government saw a picture of you with your underpants on the inside from before the law was passed. They would charge you for breaking the law. “Well wait a minute? I said but the law wasn’t passed when they took my picture with my underwear under my pants, that’s not fair!” I said. “Exactly” he said. “that’s what  retroactive is, its influencing or applying to a period prior to enactment”
I did not like this, they were asking for money as far back as January. Then my dad told me something worse, a whole bunch of people signed this because they needed money. Well, I don’t think people will want to pay. I mean its literally stealing money from the people’s pockets, aside from that they are already protesting against the president, so who will pay? The answer is almost nobody. EVERYONE is angry, and everyone has the right to sue the government. It is against the Cyprus constitution to pass a law like this one. Hopefully, this will end soon. Cyprus may never be the same after what happened this year, but hopefully it will regenerate a similar, but better society and government.